Us Together
Andrew's Parlor
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A couple of years ago when I was uncertain about things in my life, I found a wonderful website called Virtualkid.  At this time, I was new to the Internet and did not know what a message board was...or that I could actually have my own writings on it!  Unfortunately the site no longer exists, but I wanted to dedicate the following poem to Virtualkid, and the sites that followed it: GovTeen, VTeen, and Teencentre.

Here we are together,

From all around the world.

The communication barrier is broken,

Unity has been unfurled.

We are on the Internet,

A place where ideas are released.

True, some abuse it,

But we here talk in peace.

Together we create unity,

We create love, and stability.

Together we do this,

We do it with all our ability.

Unity here is strong,

Its as tough as thick leather.

Hopefully, here we will stay,

Stay unified forever.