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ASO Senate In Sacramento

The following are pictures that I took while in Sacramento on April 29-30th, 2003.  The last name in the captions have been abbreviated to protect the privacy of the individuals. 

Myself representing the candidates for ASO Pres/Vice-Pres for next year.

This took place at a seminar on April 18, 2002.  While this is not part of the Sacramento trip, I thought it would be a nice touch.  On the table to the viewer's left is my leftover lunch.  To the right is flyers regarding the candidates, and on the floor to the right is my flopped-open backpack.  To the "midair-right" is the table for the Students-For-Individual liberty club on campus.

Senators "lounge" in the hotel lounge while waiting for the advisor.

From left to right: Senator Al B., Karen C. looks through her things for something, Jerilee L. is half-asleep.  To the right: Phillip H. hunches over Jade H. and to the far right in the green and white shirt Victoria C. walks in the room.

Senators discuss legislation on morning breakfast in a cafe across from the hotel.

Pink shirt: Vice-President of Finance Jennifer H.  Formal shirt/tie: Senator Amar T.  Green/white shirt and shorts: Senator Victoria H.  Back-right with grey jacket: Senator Glenn P.  Plaid shirt w/book: Senator Mark A.

The California Capitol Building. Sacramento is the State Capitol of California.

Senators Andrew B. and Al B. enjoy swigs of coffee and Snapple. Jennifer H. is off-camera.

Karen C. and Stacy M. do their "election victory wave" on the steps of the Capito.

The camera is pointed up at the ceiling on the topmost floor of the capitol building.

Andrew sits in a chair on the second-to-highest level in the Capitol.